Safar The Second Month
Safar is the second month of the Islamic calendar
About the month of SAfAR:
This time of the year was considered to be cursed as many catastrophes and calamities took place. However this belief has been proven to be false and totally without foundation (absurd).
This can also be confirmed by the following hadeeth.
Hadhrat Jaabir (R.A.) has said that, “I have heard the Prophet saying, the descending of illness and evil superstition
befalling in the month of Safar is untrue.” (Muslim)
Events Of SAfAR:-
1) The Battle of Abwaa took place on 12th Safar in the year2 A.H.
2) The Battle of Khaibar took place in the year 7 A.
Matrimonies in SAfAR:
Hadhrat Ali (R A ) married Hadhrat Fatima (R.A.), (the daughter of the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in the latter days of Safar 2 A.H.
Deaths in SAfAR:-
Khubaib Ibn Adey(R.A.)was martyred in this month in the year
4 A.H. in the Holy city of Makkah.
Zaid Ibn Dathina (RA) was martyred in this month in the year
4 A.H. in the Holy city of Makkah.
The white days of the month of safar
Dear brothers and sisters,
We would like to remind you of fasting the white days of the month Safar
Abu Tharr Al-Ghefari said: “The Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, said “O Abu Tharr! if you fast three days of every month, then fast the 13th, the 14th and the 15th “. – [at-Tirmithi; Sahih]
Abu Tharr Al-Ghefari said: “The Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, said “Whoever fasts from every month three days, it is like fasting the whole year ” – [Ibn Majah and at-Tirmithi]
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
All the months are created by Allah the Almighty and they belong to Him. Muslims should not be superstitious or be pessimistic about any month, day, or time. There is nothing in the sources of Shari`ah that prohibit getting married in the month of Safar, Muharram or any other month of the year.
This is a myth. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) advised us not to curse any time, because time has been created by Allah the Almighty and if we curse time, it is like cursing Him.
The rumor that some bad luck or evils happen in the month of Safar and Muharram is unfounded. When `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) was asked about whether it was true that marrying in the month of Safar would bring bad luck, she indicated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) married her in the month of Safar and she was the luckiest woman by marrying the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him)