Islamic Time Management: The Ultimate Hack in Islam (Part 2) – Sidi Tushar Imdad
The Ultimate Hack in Islam
Last week, we discovered that the greatest hack in Islam is undoubtedly the niyyah or intention.
Today, I want to explore three innovative ways in which you can utilise this amazing gift from Allah. I’m pretty sure some of these techniques will be new to you.
1. Start intending for mundane actions
As mentioned in the previous article, possibly 95% of our actions are outside formal ritual worship. How long does it actually take to pray our 5 daily prayers? Perhaps 1-2 hours a day if we include wudhu and going to the masjid for some prayers.
That leaves over 20 hours which could be wasted – if we neglect our intentions.
Most of this can be covered in 3 areas:
a) Sleep – around 8 hours a day. Don’t forget the Sunnah du’as and then INTEND that you are following the Sunnah of giving your body rest so it can better worship Allah when you wake.
b) Work – whether at the office, for your business or at home – again around 8 hours a day. When you set out to work, or at the start of your first task of the day make an intention then. E.g. ‘Ya Allah, I intend this work to serve my family and free me from begging from others.’
c) Family – around 3-4 hours morning and evening. When you see your spouse/child after a hard day of work, intend that you will love them, help them, teach them and guide them to worship Allah.
2. Global Intention
Not many Muslims have heard of this one. At the beginning of the day, make an intention for all the things you will do that day. I like to do this at Salat ul-Duha time and read a du’a like: ‘Rabbi taqabbal min-ni, hayaati, mamaati wa kulli a’amaali’ (My Lord! Accept from me my life, my death and all my works). In a few weeks, inshaAllah, I will be sharing some du’as like this which I recommend for your Morning Routine.
This hack saves you from having to remember to intend before every single action.
3. Multiple Intentions
Finally, another great way to earn multiple rewards for the same action is to make multiple intentions. For example, when you are relaxing with your family in the evenings, you can intend (a) strengthening family ties, (b) bringing happiness to the heart of a believer, (c) rest and refreshment as a recharge to do more ibaadah later. That’s three for one!
One of my teachers mentioned that the more one studies with the ‘ulema and the more sacred knowledge one has, the more intentions you will learn. Anyone who has studied fiqh with a trained ‘alim can attest to this!
For example, In Shaykh Aydarus’ wonderful little book ‘The Book of Intentions’ he gives 7 detailed intentions just for visiting a friend! And 18 for business/trading (will definitely post that on LinkedIn!).
What about getting to 100X or 700X reward? Well that depends on the strength and purity of one’s intention as well as the purity of one’s heart. There have been great figures in our history who could perform miracles through reciting the Fatiha alone. The method to get to that level is beyond my expertise and we all need to sit in the company of righteous scholars for such spiritual knowledge.
But we can ALL improve the quantity and quality of our intentions. So avoid shooting blanks and make sure you are maximising the reward and potential of Allah’s good pleasure by 1) intending for mundane actions like sleeping, eating, etc.; 2) make a global intention at the start of each day; and 3) make multiple intentions as much as you can to gain multiplied reward!!
Source – SeekersGuidance