
Do you have any concern about Crescent Radio that you want to share with us? Have you heard something on air that you’re not happy with? If so please get in touch and let us know so we can do something about it.

46 thoughts on “Feedback

  • Dr Asma Azhar

    I’m a regular listener, alhamdulillah cresent is doing a very good job, morning programmes r always nice however Urdu presenters have a horrible accent, almost everyone of them need to learn how to pronounce the words properly, there this lady who is usually on air between 2 and 3 in the afternoon, with due respect she needs to improve her grammar as well, this leaves a really bad impression,I don’t know her name, she was in bazm-e-adab today along with others, hope u rectify this problem
    Kind regards

  • I think you should have a namaz timetable on the website as it would be very helpfull and convenient.


  • yasmin Azam

    I find crescent radio (live) and the website very educati

  • yasmin Azam

    I find crescent radio fun, lively & educational!
    Keep up the good work guys!:)

  • muntaha

    i think you should atleast put contact numbers down under contact like the mobile number to text in

    • Rehman

      Salam muntaha. This has now been done on our ‘Contact’ page. Jazakallahu khaira for your feedback and suggestion. Take care. Wsalam. Abdur Rehman

  • Abdul Din

    saudi arabia has declared eid on tuesady as the new moon is due for asr time inshallah

  • Chand din di Mehmaan in Rochdale (from Scotland)

    “No complaints here”
    Just wanted you to know a couple of years ago, I spent the majority “Month of ‘Ramzaan” with my elderly parents accompanied by Crescent Radio at Sehri time without fail 10/10 to the presenters. It was the best Ramzan ever, spending time with my parents and discovering Crescent Radio. It was so o o entertaining with lots of wit and of course educational The naat request was always kohie nabi say ah na saka, now every time I hear this naat it takes me back to a happy & priceless time. My Parents enjoy the radio station too and are regular listeners. Well done Crescent Radio keep it up.

  • Sister Mehmood

    On Tuesday 8th November – Raheel Shah presented “UK ki kahani” which was a cracker. Unfortunately i missed the beginning of it, could you replay it and could you let me know when?

    Also are you able to sell that as a recorded cassette. I’m sure it will be very popular.

    Generally i listen to Crescent Radio all the time, it’s fab keep up the good work and please play some naats from Shabaz Qamar Fridi during morning drive time show.

    Many thanks

    • Faheem

      Salam… Thanks for your comments. I will ask Raheel to play it again during his show.. his show is every Thursday 12-2pm…

      No.. unfortunately, we’ve not got plans to re-sell our playlist or other content that we play.. too much work!



  • Sister Mehmood

    Salaam Brother Faheem

    Many thanks for your reply. I look forward to the replay of UK Ki Kahani.

    Many Thanks agsin

  • Basim Mustafa

    For afzal bhai: please could you send information about umrah ticket that i won thank you

  • aysha r begum

    salaam guys =)
    i just want to say that as mush as i love crescent radio the website slightly annoys me. i was wondering if you could possibly add a playlist feature, as i’d like to download some of the song that are played in the mornings. i would appreciate it tons!! jzk

    • Faheem

      Salam Aysha.

      I know what you mean about our website.. it is in the process of being ‘upgraded’ and amended on a weekly basis now. Things should start inproving soon.
      Regarding playlists, we will look into this, but might be tricky with regards copyright etc..

  • Shaukat

    Salam Brother,
    I was a regular listener of Crescent Radio. I still tune in every now and again but your slogan “The sound of Islam on the Airwaves” is not valid any longer. It is a community radio and you are now presenting diverse range of programs including musical ones. I do not believe you are portraying a good image of Islam by having your main slogan as this is an Islamic radio station. I do appreciate your work and hope that you continue but would be glad if you could give some consideration to review you slogan to reflect the reality.

    This is not a negative review and i hope you will publish it.

  • Qaisar Khan

    Ramadan Mubarak from Rajhdhani

  • Qaisar Khan

    Ramzaan mubarak from smallbridge

  • muzambal

    can juma namaz be read at home?

    • Assalamu alaikum. Jummah salah is only read at masjid, you will read dhuhr at home. Hope that helps.

  • Salaam and Ramadan Mubarak to everyone. However I am very disappointed and upset that yet again we have failed to unite as Muslims. Yet again we have moved ourselves away from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). You people make up your own rules as you go along to suit your own needs. If you cannot accept what Saudi says when Ramadan is why bother to agree when Hajj is? No doubt this message will be deleted but I’m only speaking the truth. Something that needs to be addressed to all the fake movies!!!!

    • Salaams Brother,
      Wa alaikum salaam brother. It seems we have this discussion every year and we descend to name calling and insulting allegations (you people make up your own rules…). I went through similar doubt and confusion in the mid 90s but i thought i would look into the situation in details and look at the issues seriously by doing months of research and buying a number of books on the issue. I’m not going to reply to your message in detail and hope you take the effort to look into the issues a little more dispassionately. I will however correct you on the issue of Hajj. For those who are in Saudi for the Hajj must off course follow the authorities and accept whatever sighting the authorities decide upon. However it is not incumbent on those of us outside Saudi to follow them and we should do our own moon sighting and start Dhull Hijjah on a different day if that is what the moon-sighting dictates. Here is a link to a detailed website with a number of disfferent SAUDI SCHOLARS who say that it we should not follow Saudi moon-sighting EVEN FOR HAJJ! Click here.

  • salaam
    Ramadan mubarak
    to everyone at crescentradio

  • Ramadhan Mubarak to all our listeners!

  • Bashir Mohamed

    Iftar 25 July the wrong adhan was recited live. Please ensure correctness of items put live on air. May Allah swt forgive us for our mistakes. Mashallah a good services made avail to the community. Jazakallah

    • Assalamu alaikum. We are aware that this occured yesterday and it has now been fixed. Jazakallahu Khaira.

  • babu lal

    keep your eyes open ….the world is full of dangrous people…so watch yourself..

  • Sahil Javed

    Ramazan Mubarak to all those Muslims out there who are fasting or making intentions to fast. Inshallah, May allah make it easy for all of us and help us get through the day.

  • At iftar time darood e taj by qari sa’d kazi is played, but who recites the english translation straight after? I cant seem to find it?

  • Ali R Hassan

    Very proud of both Raees Khan and Riz Khan for being on air 24 hours for a good cause. Very inspirational guys. I’m a new listener of Crescent Radio and you guys are fantastic to listen to. I will be following, to see how you guys get on. Hold on and keep up the good work.

  • Hello, I couldn’t find any email address for Crescent radio on this website so that I could send a private email?

  • ibrar

    Please all Muslims pray for the little girl missing in Wales, also Muslim brothers and sisters pray for her safe return at jummah prayers please. Children a precious to Allah no matter what race or colour.

    • Rehman

      Assalamu alaikum. We’re sorry to hear that brother Ibrar. Any news on your little girl? We pray that she is found and is returned to you quickly and safely inshaa’Allah, ameen.



    • Rehman

      Jummah Mubarak to you too Ali!

  • Salam

    Have you got problems with the facility to listen online? I have been trying so hard with no avail.

    • Jamil

      We are looking into it. Thanks.

  • Sajad

    My friend heard a qawwali on crescent radio but has no idea who the qawwali artist was. The qawwali was in Shan of Hazrat Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar RA:


    Please get in touch with me soon.

  • Salam Brothers,

    Thank you for playing wonderful music on your program. Keep up the good work.

    I’ve set my alarm for every wednesday evening for listerning to your program.



  • Haider Ali

    Salaam brothers and Sister of Crescent radio,
    Can you please update the salah times please its well into february now!
    You must be more efficient, also where is the Alex Jones feed?
    Your also playing music in the month of Moharam, really?!

    Please get some chat shows in the evening there was some young brothers on there who dont seem to be in the drive time. You must do more active radio presentation at the drive times morning at afternoon, when people are driving home, not mindless meaningless songs in peoples mother tongues, most youngsters and ashamedly myself struggle to understand the punjabi, bangledeshi and Urdu but I dont mind that as it helps improve my skills.

    I did do the Mpackuk show a year ago you need something current and relavant.


  • Muhammad Rauf

    Masha Allah in deed it is a great service to the people who are really in need. Pakistan section of Crescent Aid UK is working brilliantly and on the eve of Eid ul Fitar and Eid ul Adha ration and meat distribution is done excellently.

  • anonymous

    please can you play nasheeds without music/instruments and play more quran recitations jazakallah

    • Abdur Rehman

      Assalamu alaikum.

      Thank you for your comment.

      We do have shows that play nasheeds purely without music, especially those presenters that do follow the opinion that music is not allowed.

      We respect difference of opinion.

      Everdyay in the morning, before 7am, we have daily recitation of the Qur’an. A few shows do play recitations too such as Mondays 9-11am, Wednesdays 9-10am and Saturdays 3-5pm.


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